Electric cars — and information on how you might be able to afford one — will be featured as part of a clean-air vehicle showcase set for Wednesday, May 29....

Poll after poll shows that pro-environmental sentiment among communities of color in the state exceeds that of whites. And yet the prevailing narrative of environmental activism has continued to remain...

Close to 300 people came out to Shields-Reid Park for Richmond’s 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration. Event organizer Tania Pulido said the Earth Day celebration aimed to link people with...

Almost every seat in the Nevin Community Center auditorium was filled with concerned residents and city officials as people recounted their reactions to the black cloud of smoke from the...

While California leads the country in implementing environmental policy — innovating the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions through cap-and-trade — local air districts have as a result lost power over...

Less famous but no less impressive as a narrator of local history is Andres Soto. Every few months, he conducts a “Toxics and Resilience Tour” of Richmond....

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