News Feature, Taisa Grant The Coronado YMCA was at the center of this city’s ongoing community-building efforts when it hosted a resource fair on June 30th to bring tangible and basic...

New America Media, News Report, Khalil Abdullah WASHINGTON – In a nation facing unprecedented levels of obesity, efforts by health advocates to make soda Public Enemy Number One are gaining traction....

Commentary, Iraida Santillan The possibility of a citywide soda tax is causing a debate among our residents. The tax is meant to address the human and economic factors that cause...

Video, Sean Shavers, Malcolm Marshall In the first of a series of stories, The CC Pulse reporter Sean Shavers explores the history and impact of turf violence in Richmond, CA. Featuring Joe...

Commentary, Taisa Grant I am a firm believer that we are all healers. Every person possesses the ability and has been given the tools necessary to heal themselves and others. ...

News Analysis, Taisa Grant Editor's note: Earlier this month, the Richmond City Council voted in favor of placing an inititiative on the November ballot for a citywide tax on sugar-sweetened beverages....

News Report, Sean Shavers, Posted: Dec 09, 2011 Editor’s Note:  The CC Pulse reporter Sean Shavers spoke to young people from various Bay Area neighborhoods, as well as law enforcement officials and...

Video, Street Soldiers Sponsored by the City of Richmond, the 3-day Alive & Free Prescription Training works to change beliefs, attitudes, values and actions that promote violence. It is led by...

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